Center for Student Success
(315) 792-3179
以下是2024-2025学年(2024年夏季)的估计数字, Fall 2024 and Spring 2025). 学费是根据修完的学时计算的. 符合条件的学生可以获得经济援助.
利记sbo的学校政策规定,进入在线课程的本科生如果每学期注册12个学分,则为全日制学生. 如果在线本科学生每学期至少选修六(6)个学分,则被认为是半日制.
*与所有访问图书捆绑, 你所有的书都将捆绑在一起 等着你的到来. Students may choose to opt-out by logging into bannerweb > Student Services > Opt-Outs > Select Term > Select Opt-Out All Access Book Fee
Program Name | Tuition per Credit Hour | Total Credit Hours |
B.B.A. in Accounting | $420 | 120 |
B.B.A. in Business Administration | $400 | 120 |
B.B.A. in Business Data Analytics | $420 | 120 |
B.B.A. 网络安全运营管理 | $475 | 120 |
B.S. in Criminal Justice | $450 | 120 |
B.S. in Cybersecurity | $475 | 120 |
B.S. 诈骗及金融罪案调查 | $450 | 120 |
B.S. in Health Care Management | $420 | 120 |
B.S. in Health Sciences | $420 | 120 |
金融犯罪调查证书* | $450 | 18 |
RN to BS Nursing Program | $395 | 61 |
Books and supplies | $350 |
Living Allowance | $2550 |
Personal Expenses | $550 |
Loan Fees | $133 |
For Gainful Employment information, visit our Financial Aid Services page.
利记sbo的学校政策规定,进入在线课程的研究生如果每学期注册六(6)个学分,则为全日制状态. 如果在线研究生每学期至少修三(3)个学分,则被认为是半日制.
Program Name | Tuition per Credit Hour | Total Credit Hours |
M.S. in Accounting | $775 | 30 |
工商管理硕士 | $700 | 30 |
M.S. in Cybersecurity | $800 | 30 |
M.S. 网络安全运营管理 | $895 | 30 |
M.S. in Data Science | $830 | 30 |
M.S. in Family Nurse Practitioner | $850 | 48 |
家庭护士执业证书 | $850 | 31 |
M.S. 金融犯罪与合规管理 | $880 | 36 |
M.S. in Forensic Accounting | $775 | 30 |
医疗管理硕士 | $690 | 36 |
M.S. in Nursing Education | $850 | 42 |
Nursing Education Certificate | $850 | 25 |
护理院行政人员证书 | $690 | 15 |
M.S. in Nursing Leadership | $850 | 35 |
护理领导证书 | $850 | 18 |
Master of Social Work (MSW) | $795 | 60 |
物理治疗专业后过渡博士 | $785 | 19 |
Books and supplies | $350 |
Living Allowance | $2,550 |
Personal Expenses | $550 |
Loan Fees | $109 |
也参见tuition and fees for:
Utica Campus Programs
ABSN Nursing Program
Florida Programs
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